
Posts tagged ‘history’

Everyone and their grandmother is on Facebook it seems. Twitter is becoming one of the largest growing social media sources on the Internet. All of that is great but what does it have to do with the Navy? A lot more than you might think. This generation of Sailors has adopted those channels of communication […]

Within the past couple years, the Navy has made changes to the enlisted seabag in part to the response to feedback leadership was receiving from the Sailors in the fleet. These changes have come with mixed feelings from the Sailors who currently serve and a lot of negative feedback from those who served prior. So […]

Much of what I write about surrounds my experiences as a member of a flight crew but an equally noteworthy part of my experience in the Navy is being a Chief Petty Officer. I was reminded of this topic as I recently watched a new group of Chief Selectees go through induction and become Genuine […]

Graduation picture from RTC Farragut in 1943 Transport Airman 2nd Class Russell Schlosser On December 6, 1943 my grandfather, Russell Schlosser, enlisted in the Navy and shortly after was sent for recruit training at RTC Farragut, ID. Upon his completion of recruit training he was trained as a Transport Airman. Transport Airman was not a […]

Commemorative patch created after Irish peace protesters vandalized a C-40 twice at the Shannon airport (represented by two band-aids) In January 2003, during the initial build up for Operation Iraqi Freedom, a strange incident happened at the Shannon Airport in Ireland involving a brand new Navy C-40A and Irish peace protesters who were unhappy with […]

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