Just the other day I was discussing with my friend Mark about military discounts. He said that he has started asking every place that he visits if they have them and if they do not, his response is “Why don’t you?” It’s a good question. Why do some businesses actively promote that they offer discounts […]
Filed under: Discussion, Lessons Learned | Comments (14)
Many people enlist in the Navy with aspirations to advance to Chief Petty Officer. I’ve talked previously about what it means to be a Chief but I’ve been asked by a few Sailors how does someone actually get there. Common sense should say that keeping yourself out of trouble is paramount as should studying for […]
Filed under: General Info, Hot Tip, Lessons Learned, Training | Comments (5)
Graduation picture from RTC Farragut in 1943 Transport Airman 2nd Class Russell Schlosser On December 6, 1943 my grandfather, Russell Schlosser, enlisted in the Navy and shortly after was sent for recruit training at RTC Farragut, ID. Upon his completion of recruit training he was trained as a Transport Airman. Transport Airman was not a […]
Filed under: General Info, Lessons Learned, Strange but True | Comments (8)
Ever wonder as you’re sitting in that window seat and looking out at the engine hanging under the wing just exactly how does it work? I’d be willing to bet your extra bag of peanuts you scored from the flight attendant that a lot of folks don’t know exactly how it works. (most don’t even […]
Filed under: Funny, General Info, Lessons Learned, Training, Wow! I didn't know that! | Comments (3)
Most of us work a regular 8-5, 40+ hour a week job for our civilian employer. If your job is like mine is that 40+ quickly turns into 50+ at the blink of an eye. While that can be stressful, in itself, throw into the mix family obligations, school, and reserve duty and you’ve got […]
Filed under: Lessons Learned | Comments (9)