I had the pleasure of being invited to talk with two popular Flight Attendant bloggers, Bobby Laurie and Sara Keagle who host an aviation news and discussion program called The Crew Lounge about the Navy’s Flight Attendants [2nd Loadmasters]. We discussed what 2LMs (and other crew members) do and how they differ from their civilian […]
Filed under: Discussion, Funny, Travel | Comment (0)
I’ve noticed several of my Twitter friends who fly for a living discuss their favorite crazy passenger story so I thought it was fitting that I include my own. I was on an overseas detachment in the Mediterranean and we were almost ready to rotate out as our replacements were coming on station within a […]
Filed under: Funny | Comment (0)
Ever wonder as you’re sitting in that window seat and looking out at the engine hanging under the wing just exactly how does it work? I’d be willing to bet your extra bag of peanuts you scored from the flight attendant that a lot of folks don’t know exactly how it works. (most don’t even […]
Filed under: Funny, General Info, Lessons Learned, Training, Wow! I didn't know that! | Comments (3)
If you’re an instrument pilot, you’ve definitely got to have a sense of humor when you look at the approach plates and notice the different names for fix points at airports across the United States. If you’re not a pilot that statement may sound like geeky humor. And perhaps it is. But since I hope […]
Filed under: Funny, Wow! I didn't know that! | Comments (14)