Another drill weekend has come upon on the calendar and now is where I get to show what its like (or rather practice what I preach).
The time line actually started last night…so let me start there:
19:10 – Checked in online with SWA (cheapest flight from KC to SD) to get my ticket. Early bird gets the worm as they say or more specifically early check-in gets you a low ‘A’ group boarding number.
21:45 – Start packing. Making sure to include enough clothing for each day, Navy PT gear and any additional uniform items that I will need.
*HINT* I think ahead and clean my uniform before I leave San Diego to go home. I return it to my locker at the squadron so its clean, pressed and ready to go for the next time I’m there. This saves space in my luggage and prevents me from having to check bags which saves time.
06:30 – Check emails received from the squadron and view the weekend schedule to ensure I’ve packed any additional items that might be needed.
08:20 – At the the office. Today’s plan is to make sure I’ve got all my civilian work finished or at a good stopping place until I return. All my colleagues have been reminded of my impending absence.
Work through lunch in order to leave a little early.
16:00 – Head out of the office for home.
17:00 – Arrive home, print out tickets, collect baggage and depart for the airport.
18:00 – Arrive at airport for 19:10 departure. (KC connection through PHX and on to SAN)
21:45 – Land at SAN and depart for rental car place.
22:30 – Arrive at NAS to collect my uniform for the next day and head back to barracks room.
23:00 – Go to bed in anticipation for a 06:00 wake up and let the festivities begin.