
Graduation picture from RTC Farragut in 1943 Transport Airman 2nd Class Russell Schlosser On December 6, 1943 my grandfather, Russell Schlosser, enlisted in the Navy and shortly after was sent for recruit training at RTC Farragut, ID. Upon his completion of recruit training he was trained as a Transport Airman. Transport Airman was not a […]

Commemorative patch created after Irish peace protesters vandalized a C-40 twice at the Shannon airport (represented by two band-aids) In January 2003, during the initial build up for Operation Iraqi Freedom, a strange incident happened at the Shannon Airport in Ireland involving a brand new Navy C-40A and Irish peace protesters who were unhappy with […]

Ever wonder as you’re sitting in that window seat and looking out at the engine hanging under the wing just exactly how does it work?  I’d be willing to bet your extra bag of peanuts you scored from the flight attendant that a lot of folks don’t know exactly how it works. (most don’t even […]

I’m sure that everyone’s heard this question, “When we are flying, can a small hole in the airplane cause it to burst?” I know I have from new crew members in training as well as civilian passengers when I’m flying commercially. Its actually a very astute question but its based on the assumption that an […]

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